Welcome To Mental Illness Awareness...How to navigate this blog...

Hello friends! Thank you for being here... Just a note on navigating this site... As you can tell by the title, this blog is dedicated to all types of mental illnesses and issues. There is information regarding a multitiude of issues here, so please read the older posts as well, as much information regarding Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder, PTSD, and many others is in there for you! I am hopeful that this blog is useful to you, and will be adding links to other sites of help, as well as recommended books, and more! Thank you for reading this blog, fellow followers, I appreciate it! Since the posts are on a multitude of topics, please take a few moments to view the titles of each blog to find what you are looking for! Thank you again... and Welcome!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is there anyone who has Schizophrenia and wants to discuss it????

Anyone want to discuss their experiences with Schizophrenia?  Anyone have questions or rants????

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Defining Mental Disorders

There is a large array of behaviors that have been classified as symptomatic of mental disorders.   These can range from maladaptive personality traits, to PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome), hostility toward others, all the way to full blown psychosis. (Psychosis discussed in previous Blog).  There is a lack of clarity between menatl health and mental illness, which contributes to the "impression that  mental disorders encompass normal or willful differences in human thought, behavior and emotion." (1)
Decisions that regard the level of appropriateness of treatment, researching funding priorities, the care of third party payers financing, workplace accomodation, and responsibility (criminal)lay on expert as well as popular concepts oif mental disorders and mental illness.
Mental disorders and illnesses primarilty affect emotion, thoughts, and behaviors which makes it diffucult to arrive at a clear and concise definition of mental disorders and mental illnesses. 
Mental disorders are classified by way of symptomology, due to the fact, as of yet, there are no biological markers or tests in laboratories for them.
Disorders such as Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder, OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), depression (major), are real, genuine and very often severe and debilitating.  Generally they emerge in the late teens through the twenties, although later onset is also possible in many cases.  Many live with these disorders unaware that they have a mental disorder or illness.  It had been said that Schizophrenia is "arguably the worst disease affecting mankind." (2)  It affects thoughts, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, which in turn distorts a person's personal experience of life, and often cripples that individual's ability to be participating in society.
There will be more on this issue next blog session.

1 and 2.  New Developments in the Biology of Mental Disorders, by the Research and Education Association.  The Authoritative Guide.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Psychosis...signs and what to do...

Psychosis is a loss of reality.  Usually it involves hallucinations, hearing voices, and acting in a bizarre fashion. There is usually impairment in daily activities, and some experience a full psychotic break, which means total loss with reality.  This generally requires hospitalization and/or stabilization.  Those who experience psychosis may try to self medicate or refuse help or treatment.  This is unfortunate, however, sometimes someone involved with the person in psychosis may have to intervene and have the person committed or at the very least, get them some professional help.  Psychosis requires medication, and many in psychosis will refuse treatment and medications, but it is ESSENTIAL in order for that individual to have contact with reality once again.  Psychotherapy is also essential, as well as regular visits to their chosen or assigned psychiatrist and psychologist.  Medications that are used for those in psychosis include Haldol, Seroquel and many others.
Please do not confuse psychosis with psychopathic or sociopathic, as those are terms that are not the same as psychosis.
Many in psychosis experience all types of loss of reality, some claiming to be being watched by the government, paranoia may set in, some experience religious types of psychosis, may be claiming to be Jesus and many other types of symptoms and issues surrounding psychosis.
Many in psychosis listen to the voices they are literally hearing and may \follow what they say either out of fear, pleasure, or otherwise.
If you or someone you know may be experiencing psychosis, immediately get them the assistance they so desperately need, as many in psychosis think there is nothing wrong, some realize they are hearing voices or seeing things, but it is beyond their control.    Psychosis cannot be addressed properly without medication and therapy.
Some books suggested for psychosis understanding  are:
1.  Back to life, Back to Normality: Cognitive therapy, Recoveryand Psychosis (Cambridge Clinical Guides)

2. Insight and Psychosis, by Xavier S. Amador; Editor.

3. The First Episode of Psychosis,: A guide for patients and their families,  by Michael T. Compton and      BethBroussard.

4. Psychosis, Trauma and Dissassociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology, by Andrew Moskowitz, Ingo Schafer, and Martin Justin Dorahy.

These books are available in some Bookstores, you can order them on Amazon.com as well.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Schizophrenia....Important information to know

Do you or someone you know suffer from Schzophrenia?  It is often a disabling illness that is manageable with medication, however, there is no clear difinitive cure for Schizophrenia.  It's onset generally shows in the teen to the twenties, sometimes even in young children or people in their thirties and above.  Schizophrenia is not "split-personality" as many may think it is.There are two subtypes of symptoms: positive symptoms and negative symptoms
Positive symptoms include hallucinations, which tipify psychosis, delusions, as well as bizarre behaviors and dissassociated or fragmented thoughts.
Negative symptoms include impaired emotional responsiveness, loss of motivation, general loss of interest, as well as social withdrawl. (Source:New Developments in the Biology of Mental Disorders; Research and Education Foundation) 
Approximately one (1) in every one-hundred (100) people develop Schizophrenia during his or her lifetime.  There is a worse prognosis for men than for women.  The symptoms and severity may fkluctuqate over time, and there is an increased risk ofsuicide of those afflicted.
Approximately 10-15% of persons afflicted will take their own lives. 
The optimal treatment is anti-psychotic drugs (such as Geodon, Seroquel, Haldol) and supportive psychosocial treatment.
Many individuals afflicted with this illness often are hospitalized one or more times during their lifetime, as symptoms and severity of full-blown psychosis peak.  There are many Psychiatric hospitals and treatment teams in the U.S. and in other areas of the country.  Many sufferers need community support after their hospital stay to continue on the track to wellness.
Next post will be about some of the biological causes of Schizophrenia, and the biology behind the illness.

This is a post for Children without Parents, many whom suffer from mental wellness issues

Please donate to this cause and help Children without Parents today, they need a secure environment to grow strong and mentally healthy. THank you Any donations are accepted, so instead of that Starbucks today, Please donate. You can also look up this cause on facebook.

Types of Mental Illness

There are many types of Mental Illness, ranging from Anxiety to Schizophrenia to Dissassociative Disorder. I will be detailing these at length. Please be patient as i develop this blog.Thankyou-