Welcome To Mental Illness Awareness...How to navigate this blog...

Hello friends! Thank you for being here... Just a note on navigating this site... As you can tell by the title, this blog is dedicated to all types of mental illnesses and issues. There is information regarding a multitiude of issues here, so please read the older posts as well, as much information regarding Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder, PTSD, and many others is in there for you! I am hopeful that this blog is useful to you, and will be adding links to other sites of help, as well as recommended books, and more! Thank you for reading this blog, fellow followers, I appreciate it! Since the posts are on a multitude of topics, please take a few moments to view the titles of each blog to find what you are looking for! Thank you again... and Welcome!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello all... Yes I am back! Seriously!

Hello everyone,
  I realize that I have not posted in quite some time, and already apologized for this. However, I still did not blog for a while, I will not give any excuses, it just happened. The why is irrelevant. However, I am back! I hope you are as happy as I am. I am sorry for all of you who faithfully follow this blog, as well as any other readers out there.
Now, it is March 13th, 2010, and I will make a personal promise to blog, if not EVERY day, almost everyday. I am here and ready to inform. I am ready, once again, to spread awareness about mental illness. Considering that it has been a while, I have a lot of catching up to do!  I am sure you all can realte to "spreading yourself too thin", "burning the candle at both ends", and the like....however, I am now focused on what is important here. You are. Your education. Your health. Your wellness. Our communication.
So, without any delay, tomorrow I will begin posting again. The topics, as always, will vary, depending on various factors.
Please continue to follow, again my apologies, and thank youfor supporting me...and being patient!  I will surely not disappoint. I hope you have a great day/night and until tomorrow- Erica :))